Our Housekeeping service runs on three terms with flexibility in both schedules and cost. Please see the details below:
- Part-Time - Our part-time runs 3- days a week ( you have to select your preferred days in the week. Our assigned Agent comes to work at 7:30 AM and leaves at 5:00 PM. The fee is $ 125.00 per month.
- Full-Time - This service runs throughout the week except for Sundays and Holidays. The assigned Agent comes to work at 7:30 and leaves at 5:00 PM. The fee is $150.00 per month.
- Stay-In - For this service, the agent stays with you in your home and does the full house chores. The agent comes in every Sunday at 6:00 PM and leaves every Saturday at 3:00 PM. The fee is $ 200.00
Please note that all these come with insurance. We are fully responsible for any damage(s) caused by the assigned agent.
Again, we are available to negotiate and give you value for money.